Human Rights is not universal or indivisible; here’s how:
A plea to the international public for Iranian prisoners
December 10th marks the anniversary of the adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, and it’s an opportunity to remember that human rights are universal, indivisible, inalienable and interdependent. These intellectual and beautiful words are just that, words in so many parts of the world, and every year on December 10th, they should serve as a reminder that human rights is not universal and interdependent at all; it should remind us that while United Nations and countless NGO’s are established to make sure that these basic rights are not violated on a daily basis, they have failed to serve the regions that need such policing and aid the most.
On this December 10th, we are reminded that our fellow human citizens in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, Sudan, Myanmar, North Korea, China, Iran, and so many other countries, are fighting for their human rights every day. The only value international organizations have added so far is to “stand” with these freedom fighters from afar, while keeping the political sphere with corrupt governments untouched.
We are now on day 86 of Iran protests against the Islamic Republic regime, which started with the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini on September 16th, 2022, by the hands of the so-called morality police for what constituted as an “improper hijab,” meaning that these young women who had her whole life ahead of her, was killed because she was showing a few strands of her hair. What transpired after her tragic murder couldn’t have been anticipated by the Islamic Republic regime, which has 43 years of resume in corruption, murder, and unlawful executions.
Allow us to take a stroll down history and remind ourselves of the Islamic Republic regime’s human rights violations since they came into power in the winter of 1979, after a revolution that promised to bring equality and the law of God and instead, brought nothing but ruins into the country and marked a dark era.
The regime purged the country with the death penalty from the first week of its existence. It held sham trials and, in most cases, no trials at all, for the officers and dependents of its predecessor and any individual they deemed dangerous for their ideology and executed them.

The Islamic Republic has the second-highest execution rate in the world. What follows is only a fraction of their human rights violations against the Iranian people over the past four decades:
- Summer of 1988: Execution of 4 thousand prisoners of conscious in a sphere of only a few days. These individuals from different political and religious backgrounds were buried in masses, their graves unmarked, and their families never got the chance to either say goodbye or mourn their loved ones.
- Death penalty for children under the age of 18
- Executing individuals based on their race
- Executing individuals because of their sexual orientation: Being Gay is illegal under the Islamic Republic and the penalty is death.
- Since September 2022, the regime has imprisoned more than 30 thousand protestors, hundreds of them children under 18.
- Source:
Right now, there is an immediate call to action for five individuals whose lives are in danger. Three of them are children under the age of 18 and the regime is adamant to carry out the death penalty.
We are asking the international public to stand with Iranians in their call to Stop Executions in Iran. Our protesting youth and people are not criminals.
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